It's Time To Play To Win
Are you ready... to stop choosing between financial success and overall well-being?
Are you ready... to let go of limiting beliefs and live wellthy -- mind, money, body & spirit?
Are you ready... to play to win vs. playing not to lose?
The time is now!
It's Time... to wake up to a life you're excited to live everyday.
It's Time... to transform your goals into game plans.
It's Time... to stop settling for the "struggle you know" and design your days.
It's Time... to reach your next level of leadership - at work, at home, and in your community.
Your “ready” starts NOW.
It’s time to Play To Win.
We’ve proven transformation can happen in an instant, but ONLY when you immerse yourself in creating that change. During this virtual LIVE event with Tiffany Yvonne, you will...
Add Speed to Your Success Knowing You Are on the Right Path
Get the brand new 5-step system to clarify your vision, clear your path and accelerate the journey that’s meant for you.
Design a “2024 Play To Win Plan” To Make This Year Your Best Year Yet
Go from broad intentions to a concrete life mission that fills you with the motivation you need to keep momentum going all year.
Uncover and Break Through What’s Held You Back in the Past
Gain critical insights into what’s held you back in the past, redesign your future and make the necessary shifts to make this your best year yet.
Discover the Perspective Shifts That Will Empower The Results You Really Want.
Embrace and elevate the transformation of your happiest, healthiest, and wealthiest self, crafting a life you wake up excited to live.
Maximize Your Potential with Proven “Science of Happiness” Tools
Get the scientifically backed, Berkeley-proven strategyies to rapidly achieve quantum leaps in peace, self- love, balance, and joy.
It’s Time To Stop Living By Default.
Design Your Life!
There’s something uniquely inspiring about the New Year. Each year, we feel compelled to be more, do more, share more, create more, and give more.
A fresh calendar represents a fresh start, a new perspective, new actions, and new results. It's exciting, fun, and energizing. I boldly declare: THIS IS GOING TO BE YOUR YEAR!
So, what could possibly go wrong?
The reality, however, is stark. About 80% of people give up on their New Year’s resolutions by the second week of February. That's why we're choosing this time to revisit all that we dreamed up when the clock struck 2024. Most people talk more about their dreams and goals than following through achieving them.
We’re inviting you to join the few who do, not just those who talk. It starts with a clear 2024 plan – and not just any plan. This plan is backed by science and proven by thousands of leaders across America's largest organizations. If you're willing to commit just 4 hours during the Play To Win Summit, you will leave with the tools to Play To Win in 2024 and beyond.
Hi, I'm Tiffany Yvonne...
...and I was once a burnt-out, corporate leader,
plugging away at my ‘good’ jobs that didn’t bring
me joy.
Successful? Yes, Very!
Happy? Ummm... Not So Much.
But now, it's a different story.
As I celebrate my 20th year in entrepreneurship in
2024, I’m on a mission to create the next
generation of women leaders who are committed
to carving out a happier way of living and working
with real balance, growth, purpose, and intention.
I'm a CPA, turned Speaker, Culture and Emotional
Intelligence Expert, and Team Coaching Guru
disrupting the patterns of overthinking,
perfectionism, and people pleasing that tend to
lead busy, ambitious women to burnout and
Let's co-create a Life Plan -- A Play To Win Plan
that includes you waking up everyday to a life that
you are excited to live!
Can we agree that the world seems to have gone a bit crazy?
When you turn on the news, it feels as if we're watching a hidden camera show. It's as though we're being drug backwards instead of propelling forward.
This dysfunction CANNOT become our new normal.
In times like these, it is critical for leaders, like us — to step into our power and design lives we love -- not only to awaken our deepest desire to win in every area of our lives, but also to inspire others -- showing them that it can be done.
It's not just about recognizing the chaos; it's about Playing To Win with a wave and a wink.
During the summit, Tiffany Yvonne will share strategies and tools designed to help YOU PLAY TO WIN.
You'll discover how to claim your true self and step into the massive opportunities that 2024 will offer you, if you know how to look past the obstacles.
Consider this a wake-up call in this game called life. It's time for us to PLAY TO WIN!
Let's Go!
Are You Going to Step Up or Are You Going To Stick With The Struggle You Know?
Whether you have a great life but want more or you’re tired of the status quo, this Summit is for YOU.
Here’s what you’ll get at the Play To Win Summit,
February 25, 2024 10A - 2P...
4 action-packed hours of virtual LIVE training with Tiffany Yvonne, the Congressional Award Winning life and business strategist
Proven systems to elevate all areas of your life (Self, Family, Finances, Fun. Faith, & Fitness) modeled on the most successful people in every conceivable industry, sport, and expertise)
Tools to supercharge your year and craft not just a Play To Win Plan for 2024 but also a process you can use every year going forward
Access to a vibrant global community that will embrace, support, and propel you forward. There is nothing more powerful than having the right community at your back. And this community Plays To Win.
Tiffany's is on a mission to bring out the inner PLAYMAKER in every busy, ambitious woman that wants to live a life of MORE IN 2024.
From her early days in the CPA World she's embraced a spirit of "lifting as she climbs".
That's why Tiffany is generously sharing her proven tools and strategies at the Play To Win Summit.
Her only ask, is that you bring all of yourself to the event and pass the wisdom onto others.
If you give her the gift of your time, she's certain to drop gems that'll last a lifetime.
We'll walk through transformative approaches that can shift your life in hours!
Tiffany doesn’t change people; she wakes them up.
Sign up for the Play To Win Summit Today.
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